
PG window

Get a billing key through the payment window provided by the PG.

You can enter the card information through the PGโ€™s payment window to get a billing key.

  • Pros: no need to establish additional security process for transmitting card information because the data is transmitted directly to PG without going through the server or iโ€™mport server.

  • Cons: cannot customize card registration form since billing key is requested through the PGโ€™s payment window via web browser (cannot implement merchant site friendly UI/UX).

Sample PG's window for card info entry
Sample PG's window for card info entry

STEP 01. Request billing key

As with authenticated payment, use the JavaScript SDK to call the PGโ€™s payment window. To get a billing key, specify the following additional parameters.

customer_uid: unique key that maps 1:1 with billing key

IMP.request_pay( { // Refer to above mentioned PG specific guide for param settings customer_uid: "gildong_0001_1234", // Unique ID for each card (billing key) /* ...Omitted... */ }, function (rsp) { // callback if (rsp.success) { // Billing key request successful } else { // Billing key request failed } }, );

What is a customer_uid?

It is a unique value specified by the merchant that maps 1:1 with the billing key issued by PG. A unique customer_uid must be created for each card.

Example: If a customer named Hong Gildong requests for a billing key from A card, the customer_uid must be issued for the specified memberโ€™s credit card number

STEP 02. Handle response

IMP.request_pay( { // param /* ...Omitted... */ }, function (rsp) { // callback if (rsp.success) { // Billing key request successful // jQuery HTTP request jQuery.ajax({ url: "{URL to receive customer-uid}", // Example: method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, data: { customer_uid: "gildong_0001_1234", // Unique ID for each card (billing key) }, }); } else { // Billing key request failed } }, );

Once the billing key is issued successfully, the customer_uid is sent to the merchant server. The server creates an API endpoint that receives the customer_uid from the client. The server can use the customer_uid to request future payments.\

server-side"/billings", async (req, res) => { try { const { customer_uid } = req.body; // Get customer_uid from req.body } catch (e) { res.status(400).send(e); } });

Save the customer_uid in the merchantโ€™s database and use it to request future payments.

STEP 03. Request payment

Use the saved customer_uid and call the iโ€™mport Non-authenticated payment (billing key) API to request payment.

To use the iโ€™mport REST API, you must first get an access token.

server-side"/billings", async (req, res) => { try { const { customer_uid } = req.body; // Get customer_uid from req.body // Get billing key const getToken = await axios({ url: "", method: "post", // POST method headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, // "Content-Type": "application/json" data: { imp_key: "imp_apikey", // REST API key imp_secret: "ekKoeW8RyKuT0zgaZsUtXXTLQ4AhPFW3ZGseDA6bkA5lamv9OqDMnxyeB9wqOsuO9W3Mx9YSJ4dTqJ3f", // REST API Secret }, }); const { access_token } =; // Access token // Request payment (for first or nth time) const paymentResult = await axios({ url: ``, method: "post", headers: { Authorization: access_token }, // Add access token to authorization header data: { customer_uid, merchant_uid: "order_monthly_0001", // Order ID amount: 8900, name: "recurring payments for monthly subscription", }, }); const { code, message } = paymentResult; if (code === 0) { // Successful communication with the card company (additional check is required to confirm whether the payment was successful) if (paymentResult.status === "paid") { // Payment approved res.send({ // ... }); } else { // Payment not approved (Example: card limit exceeded, card suspended, insufficient balance) // paymentResult.status: failed is returned res.send({ // ... }); } res.send({ // ... }); } else { // Card company rejected payment (paymentResult is null) res.send({ // ... }); } } catch (e) { res.status(400).send(e); } });