
Subscription payment using billing key

Request subscription (scheduled) payments using the customer_uid.

You can use the customer_uid obtained through the Get billing key or Non-authenticated payment (one-time) API to request a subscription or scheduled payment.

STEP 01. Request payment

You can schedule a payment for a desired time in the future by using the ChaiPort Schedule payment API.

// Schedule payment axios({ url: ``, method: "post", headers: { Authorization: access_token }, // Add access token to authorization header data: { customer_uid: "gildong_0001_1234", // Unique ID for each card (billing key) schedules: [ { merchant_uid: "order_monthly_0001", // Order ID schedule_at: 1519862400, // Schedule time in UNIX timestamp. amount: 8900, name: "Recurring payment for monthly subscription", buyer_name: "Hong Gildong", buyer_tel: "01012345678", buyer_email: "", }, ], }, });

STEP 02. Receive payment result

When payment is attempted at the scheduled time, a webhook event occurs and the payment ID (imp_uid) and order ID (merchant_uid) are sent to the specified callback URL on the server. After receiving the payment result via webhook, you can complete the payment processing based on the result.

iโ€™mport Webhook

For information about the iโ€™mport Webhook and how to set the callback URL, refer to the iโ€™mport webhook guide.

// Process POST request to "/iamport-callback/schedule""/iamport-callback/schedule", async (req, res) => { try { const { imp_uid, merchant_uid } = req.body; // Get access token const getToken = await axios({ url: "", method: "post", // POST method headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, // "Content-Type": "application/json" data: { imp_key: "imp_apikey", // REST API key imp_secret: "ekKoeW8RyKuT0zgaZsUtXXTLQ4AhPFW3ZGseDA6bkA5lamv9OqDMnxyeB9wqOsuO9W3Mx9YSJ4dTqJ3f", // REST API Secret }, }); const { access_token } =; // Access token // Get payment info from i'mport server using imp_uid const getPaymentData = await axios({ url: `${imp_uid}`, // Pass imp_uid method: "get", // GET method headers: { Authorization: access_token }, // Add access token to authorization header }); const paymentData =; // Save payment info const { status } = paymentData; if (status === "paid") { // If payment is successful // Save payment info in DB await Orders.findByIdAndUpdate(merchant_uid, { $set: paymentData }); // Mongoose } else { // Retry payment } } catch (e) { res.status(400).send(e); } });

Recurring payment

To implement recurring payments, recursively schedule a payment to the iโ€™mport server. When a payment is attempted at the scheduled time, a notification is sent to the server through the webhook URL.

// Process POST request to "/iamport-callback/schedule""/iamport-callback/schedule", async (req, res) => { try { const { imp_uid, merchant_uid } = req.body; // Get access token /* ...Omitted ... */ // Get payment info from i'mport server using imp_uid /* ...Omitted ... */ const paymentData =; // Save payment info const { status } = paymentData; if (status === "paid") { // If payment is successful // Save payment info in DB await Orders.findByIdAndUpdate(merchant_uid, { $set: paymentData }); // Mongoose // Schedule next payment axios({ url: "{URL to receive payment schedule}", // Example: method: "post", headers: { Authorization: access_token }, // Add access token to authorization header data: { customer_uid: "gildong_0001_1234", // Unique ID for each card (billing key) schedules: [ { merchant_uid: "order_monthly_0001", // Order ID schedule_at: 1519516800, // Schedule time in UNIX timestamp. amount: 8900, name: "Recurring payment for monthly subscription", }, ], }, }); } else { // Retry payment } } catch (e) { res.status(400).send(e); } });

The above example processes the webhook event that occurs when a scheduled payment is attempted. If the scheduled payment is completed successfully, the payment information is saved in the database and the next payment is scheduled.