
3. Request payment

Call a payment window with required parameter values.

Once IMP object initialization is complete, you can open the payment window.

You can pass the parameters required to call the payment window in the first argument of the request_pay function.

    pg: "kcp",
    pay_method: "card",
    merchant_uid: "ORD20180131-0000011", // Order ID
    name: "Norway swivel chair",
    amount: 64900, // Number
    buyer_email: "",
    buyer_name: "Hong Gildong",
    buyer_tel: "010-4242-4242",
    buyer_addr: "Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
    buyer_postcode: "01181",
  function (rsp) {
    // callback
    if (rsp.success) {
      // Payment is successful
    } else {
      // Payment failed

Note - Creating an order ID (merchant_uid)

  • The order number must always be assigned a unique value when the payment window is requested.
  • After the payment process is complete, the server uses the order ID to retrieve the order information for payment fraud check. Be sure to create a unique ID on the merchant server and store it in the DB.

The following is the above sample code with the Pay button added.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- jQuery --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script> <!-- iamport.payment.js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script> <script> var IMP = window.IMP; IMP.init("impXXXXXXXXX"); function requestPay() { IMP.request_pay( { pg: "kcp", pay_method: "card", merchant_uid: "57008833-33004", name: "Carrots 10kg", amount: 1004, buyer_email: "", buyer_name: "iamport tech support", buyer_tel: "010-1234-5678", buyer_addr: "Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul", buyer_postcode: "123-456", }, function (rsp) { // callback if (rsp.success) { console.log(rsp); } else { console.log(rsp); } } ); } </script> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Sample Payment</title> </head> <body> <button onclick="requestPay()">Pay</button> <!-- Pay button --> </body> </html>

Creating the Pay button for opening the payment window

Sample payment window