Based on the the verification result in the response object (rsp) returned after the verification process is complete, add the post-verification processing logic in the callback function. When the verification is successful, add the logic to send the verification ID (imp_uid) to the server as in the following example. Check the value returned when the verification is successful.

1. Example of sending data via callback

    /* ...Omitted... */
  function (rsp) {
    // callback
    if (rsp.success) {
      // When verification is successful
      // jQuery HTTP request
        url: "{server-side endpoint to receive verification info}",
        method: "POST",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        data: { imp_uid: rsp.imp_uid },
    } else {
      alert("Verification failed. Error: " + rsp.error_msg);

2. Example of sending data via redirection

The page is redirected to the URL specified in param.m_redirect_url of IMP. certification with the verification data as follows:

Query String
GET {m_redirect_url}?imp_uid={}&merchant_uid={merchant_uid for verification}&success