

KG INICIS payment window integration guide

1. Configure KG INICIS settings

Refer to the KG INICIS settings page to configure the PG settings.

2. Request payment

To open the payment window, call JavaScript SDK IMP.request_pay(param, callback).

In PC browsers, callback is invoked after calling IMP.request_pay(param, callback). In mobile browsers, the page is redirected to m_redirect_url .

Javascript SDK
IMP.request_pay( { pg: "html5_inicis", pay_method: "card", merchant_uid: "{Merchant created Order ID}", // Example: order_no_0001 name: "Order name: Test payment request", amount: 14000, buyer_email: "", buyer_name: "John Doe", buyer_tel: "010-1234-5678", buyer_addr: "Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul", buyer_postcode: "123-456", m_redirect_url: "{Mobile only - URL to redirect to after payment approval}", // Example: }, function (rsp) { // callback logic //* ...Omitted... *// }, );

Key parameter description

pg * string

PG code

  • If not specified and this is the only PG setting that exists, default PG is automatically set.
  • If there are multiple PG settings, set to html5_inicis.

pay_method * string

Payment method code

Payment method codes

  • card (credit card)
  • trans(instant account transfer)
  • vbank(virtual account)
  • phone(mobile micropayment)
  • samsung(Samsung Pay hub-type)
  • kakaopay(Kakao Pay)
  • payco ( PAYCO hub-type)
  • tosspay (Toss Simple Pay hub-type)
  • ssgpay (SSG Pay hub-type)
  • chai (CHAI Pay)
  • lpay (LPAY hub-type)
  • naverpay (Naver Pay)
  • cultureland(Cultureland)
  • smartculture(Smart Culture)
  • happymoney(Happy Money)

merchant_uid * string

Order ID

Must be unique for each request.

amount * integer

Payment amount

Must be an integer (not string)

buyer_tel * string

Customer phone number


KG INICIS payment window

3. Additional functions

{ "display": { "card_quota": [6] // Display up to 6 months installment plans } }


  • card_quota :
    • []: Only immediate pay
    • 2,3,4,5,6: immediate, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 month installment plans\

Installment plan option is available only for KRW 50,000 or more.

Example of allowing up to 3 months installment plans