Callback response data for payment request

Properties that are returned vary by PG or payment method.

success * boolean

Whether or not the payment succeded

True when payment is approved or virtual account is issued

(returned asimp_success for some PG/payment method)

error_code * string

Error code

PG's error code when payment fails.

error_msg * string

Error message

PG's error message when payment fails.

imp_uid * string

Unique i'mport payment ID

This may be null if success is false and validation fails.

merchant_uid * string

Order ID

pay_method * string

Payment method code

paid_amount * number


status * string


  • ready (payment in progress: payment window lost focus, virtual account issued)

  • paid (payment complete)

  • failed (payment failed: credit card limit exceeded, insufficient check card balance, payment window closed or cancel button clicked)

name * string

Customer name

pg_provider * string

PG code

PG codes

emb_pg_provider string

Simple pay PG code

Simple pay PG that approved the payment

  • This is omitted for some PGs or when simple payment is not selected.

pg_tid * string

PG transaction ID

PG assigned unique transaction ID.

buyer_name * string

Customer name

buyer_email * string

Customer email

buyer_tel * string

Customer phone number

buyer_addr * string

Customer address

buyer_postcode * string

Customer zip code

custom_data * string

Merchant custom data

paid_at * string

Payment approved at (UNIX timestamp)

What is UNIX timestamp?

Unix time is a way of representing time. It is also called POSIX time or Epoch time. The time elapsed from 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on January 1, 1970 is converted into seconds and expressed as an integer. In Unix time, leap seconds are ignored. It is used by Unix-like operating systems and several other operating systems and file formats. Because of the leap second processing method, time cannot be expressed linearly, and leap seconds cannot be expressed in Coordinated Universal Time.

receipt_url string

Transaction receipt URL

Additional properties

apply_num string

Credit card approval number

  • For credit card payment only

vbank_num string

Virtual account number

As received from PG, may contain special characters (-).

vbank_name string

Virtual account bank

vbank_holder string

Virtual account holder

Shows business name on the contract. Some PGs may return null and requires additional processing.

vbank_date string

Virtual account expiration (UNIX timestamp)

Sample response object
{ "apply_num": "42827474", "bank_name": null, "buyer_addr": "Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul", "buyer_email": "", "buyer_name": "iamport tech support", "buyer_postcode": "123-456", "buyer_tel": "010-1234-5678", "card_name": "Shinhan card", "card_number": "5428790000000294", "card_quota": 0, "currency": "KRW", "custom_data": null, "imp_uid": "imp_347242536261", "merchant_uid": "57008833-33004", "name": "Carrot 10kg", "paid_amount": 1004, "paid_at": 1648344363, "pay_method": "card", "pg_provider": "kcp", "pg_tid": "22336466628585", "pg_type": "payment", "receipt_url": "", "status": "paid", "success": true }